Owning a Magical Emporium

Tonight my daughter and I watched a movie that inspired me greatly. It’s called Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium, a story about Mr. Magorium, an intriguing man, and his magical retail shop.

At first it seemed that the story was light and fluffy. Children run amok in this store. The toys are wonderful, magical playmates and the store tidies itself constantly, ready for any new customers that arrive. All the while paying customers are happily making generous purchases.

Mr. Magorium has a perpetual kind smile that is confident, respectful and understanding. He avoids all the menial, tedious issues of his business and chooses to focus on mentoring his store, his manager, (the only employee), the children who play there and his customers.

‘Sounds dreamy, right?
Who wouldn’t want a business like that?

Well, it’s not all a “bed of roses” because Mr. Magorium is going to leave, (this life), therefore the store throws a tantrum and after he’s gone the store refuses to perform it’s usual magic. It even loses all of it’s color.

In the end what revives the magic of the store is believing. Belief in the magic of the store… the spirit of the store…. it’s essence. The store manager, (who inherited the store), needed to have confidence in herself. Children and customers needed to have faith that the store was, indeed, magical.

This is what’s so inspiring about this “fairy tale”… That believing in the spirit of our business, (vision), having faith in our abilities, (confidence), and engaging our customers, (awesome customer service), without a doubt DO create a magical emporium.

Yes…. realistically we have to consider the day-to-day events, (reports, projects, payroll, taxes, maintenance), because our businesses don’t magically run, maintain and tidy themselves the way Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium does.

But the main consideration in our mindset and in our actions should be on:

  • the vision to build a business that fulfills the needs of our clients

  • the power within us to perform amazing situations when we are confident

  • the magic that can happen when we engage with our customers

These ARE the most important things to remember in our businesses.

See the movie if you have a chance. There are more “twists & turns” to the story than I’ve told. It’s very entertaining and a great story to remember when you’re feeling that your business needs a “shot of magic”!

Krystal Irrgang

Krystal lives in the outskirts of the Catskills in NY with her husband, Chris. Together they bought a fixer-upper in the woods which is the hub for Krystal Anita Studios, a web design and photography business, and creating a welcoming space for guests and family. Her passion for the home and making it a safe place for others is what sparked a desire to share inspiration here on EIG.


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