What if…. This is Your Life to Do What Makes You Happy
What if…
This is Your Life to Do What Makes You Happy
There is a school of thought that tells us that our work life
is separate from the “fun part” of our life…
That what we do for a living is painful drudgery
and holds no place in our list of enjoyable things to do.
Do you believe this?
I don’t.
I believe that we have choices and that, for the most part,
we have control over our happiness.
I believe that we are ultimately in charge of creating happiness in our lives.
I believe that what we choose to focus on magnifies
and that most problems seem bigger than they really are
because we choose to perceive them that way.
I believe that our attitude toward happiness affects a great many people
in a really good way…. or… a really bad way.
I see this all the time in my travels.
Whether it’s a gas station attendant, a food server or a sales clerk
I observe how those people send customers on their way
with a happy heart or a heavy heart.
If I’m able to visit a business and stay for 15 minutes or so
it usually becomes quite evident if there is a general overall attitude of joy or pain.
I find, from experience, that the general attitude of an establishment
has “filtered down” from the owner or manager.
It’s seen in the little things…
the way a person is addressed as they enter the business,
how clean the place is,
whether the staff seems engaged or checked out,
the way the displays are cared for
how stimulating the experience of being there is… etc
As business owners, it is our duty to focus on the gratitude we have for our business.
What makes your business unique?
How do you solve problems & create happiness for your customers?
What, about your staff, makes your business a great place to deal with?
Be grateful for and tell everyone about these awesome attributes!
Gratitude always brings about more Joy & Happiness.
What if…. This is Your Life to Do What Makes You Happy?
Even in What You Do For a Living.